Substance Use
Recently Incarcerated or have a criminal record?
We’re here to help.

About RPM’s Substance Use Resources
Our mission is to be a support system for those in our community who have been justice-involved and need alcohol and substance abuse treatment. We aim to be the pillar of hope for those dealing with the problems of addiction. We believe everyone should have access to affordable treatment options.
Substance Use Resources
New Beginnings Treatment Center
New Beginnings is an outpatient substance abuse treatment facility. Our substance abuse program provides a full spectrum of Substance Use treatment, designed to meet each person where they are on their road to recovery. Everyones level of use is unique. Our assessments will determine whether or not you have a full-blown addiction, or just need to make some adjustments in your life. By taking the time to explore thinking patterns, emotions and behaviors we can identify underlying issues of addiction. We seek to develop personal and comprehensive curriculums to support our clients.
Our Goal:
- Our goal is to inspire clients to value their mental health and physical well-being through group therapy classes.
- Break the cycle of addiction and of intergenerational criminal justice involvement.
- Effective substance abuse treatment begins with an assessment with one of our certified clinicians. This is where clients and counselors map out an individuals specific needs.
- Strengthen families affected by incarceration.

“A NEW pattern of thought, a NEW wave of emotion
A NEW connection to the world, a NEW belief in yourself
A NEW Beginning.”
New Beginnings Treatment Center Resources
Group and Individual Substance Use Counseling and assessments
Effective substance abuse treatment begins with an assessment with one of our certified clinicians. This is where clients and counselors map out an individuals specific needs. Based on these needs they are given a recommendation for treatment. After treatment our clients leave with the life skills necessary to have an ongoing recovery.
Drug Education Classes
Our drug education classes are designed to meet each person where they are on their road to recovery. Everyones level of use is unique. By taking the time to explore thinking patterns, emotions and behaviors we can identify underlying issues of addiction.
DWI Assessments and Classes
A DWI assessment is required for everyone who is charged with Driving While Impaired in the state of North Carolina. Though the process of reinstatement can seem like a huge aggravation, we want you to leave the work to us.
Mental Health
We provide mental health evaluations and counseling for those in need.
Need Help With Substance Use?
Or see a service above you’re interested in?
Contact Name: Kevin Walsh
Telephone: (704) 334-6574
Email :
Hope Haven
About Us: Hope Haven is the region’s only licensed Therapeutic Community, providing a foundation of recovery for individuals and families impacted by Substance Use Disorder so they can build healthy independent lives.
Our Goal:
- We strive for our residents to be healthy in all areas of their lives, so we address any medical and mental health concerns as part of a comprehensive recovery plan.
- With person-centered care, each resident works with their counselor to create goals and a program to meet their individual needs and goals – from parenting classes to educational assessments to financial literacy classes to post-graduation housing.
- We partner with Mecklenburg County Recovery Court to provide positive alternatives to incarceration.
“At Hope Haven, We Believe That Recovery Is Possible!”
Need Help With Substance Use?
See a service to the right you’re interested in?
Contact: Wanda Goforth
Email :
To inquire about admission to our program, please visit our website at, and click on the admission tab where you will find detailed instructions and our admissions fax number. We look forward to walking with you on your recovery journey!

Our Services
Group and Individual Counseling
All residents participate in regular group, family, and individual counseling and 12-Step work.
Workforce Development & Job Readiness Programs
Residents build the skills that are critical to success in the workplace through participation in our Workforce Development and Job Readiness Programs.
Family Reunification
For families who have been separated by addiction, we are a family reunification site working in partnership with the Department of Social Services.
Mecklenburg Re-Entry Services
About Us: Mecklenburg County Re-Entry Services (RES) provides high-risk/high-needs clients with evidence-based services and supports to assist in the successful transition from incarceration to the community. RES begins working with the client while incarcerated through on-site case management assisting with home planning, application for benefits, referral and coordination of medical and behavioral health services, and development of employment plans. Services available after release include case management, educational assistance, vocational programs, substance abuse, and mental health treatment referrals, basic needs, transportation, employment and housing. RES does serve people on the registry.
To be eligible for RES services the client must:
- Be sixteen (16) years of age or older; eighteen (18) and older for housing.
- Have a verifiable residence in Mecklenburg County (the community shelters do qualify, county of conviction or residence is Mecklenburg).
- Have been incarcerated by the NC Department of Public Safety or another state/federal correctional system, or served a sentence in the Mecklenburg County Jail.
- Be compliant with treatment recommendations if under the care of a physician or counselor for mental health and/or substance use disorders.
- Be in need of educational, vocational, or employment supports as the primary focus of service.
- Agrees to participate in the program as outlined by RES
Our Goal: To provide comprehensive case management supporting each client’s transition. To reduce recidivism and criminal thinking patterns among those in transition. To reduce county costs for those released on post‐release supervision following incarceration.
Need Help With Substance Use?
Or see a service you’re interested in?
Contact: Hope Marshall, MS, LCAS, Re-Entry Services Program Manager Mecklenburg Criminal Justice Services
Telephone: 980-314-1703
Participation in the Re-Entry Services program is voluntary. Referrals to the Re-Entry Services program can be made by filling out the online referral form:

Our Services
Accessing Services
- All services start with a referral either via the link in the blue table or a call to RES at 980-314-5043.
- The client will complete an intake with a Case Coordinator to include a review of expectations and development of a case plan.
- The client will work with their Case Coordinator to obtain necessary appointments.
Pre-Release Services
Case Coordinators go into 2 Federal prisons (Butner and Bennettsville twice annually), the Federal Halfway house (monthly), 10+ state prisons as needed (Gaston Correctional twice monthly, Lincoln CC once weekly), and Mecklenburg County Jail (Re-Entry Pod) to provide:
- Orientation to Re-Entry Services prior to and after release
- Develop home plans which may include housing for the returning citizen
- Set up transportation if not provided by NCDPS (Traveler’s Aid will assist from the eastern prisons)
- Set up appointments with mental health and arrange for prescriptions upon release
- Send information via mail and prison case manager emails to those in prisons across the state (NC has 57 prisons)
Post Release Services
Case Coordinators meet with clients face to face, via phone, and virtually. All services require participation in the Re-Entry Services program and starts with an intake appointment.
- Basic needs – birth certificates, medical/dental/vision needs, prescription assistance, food and/or clothing referrals, hygiene kits, school/college records, SNAP application.
- Disability – SOAR applications, reinstatement of disability benefits and Medicaid, obtaining medical records.
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy – Moral recognition therapy weekly, one group specifically for sex offenders and an additional group for non-sexual offenders
- Drug testing – urinalysis, transdermal, and breath testing is required.
- Substance use – referrals for evaluation and follow-up treatment, limited assistance available, case management to encourage and support behavior change, assistance in obtaining inpatient and residential treatment.
- Mental health – referrals for evaluation, recommendation and treatment, assistance in obtaining medication.
- Peer support – coordination with peer support for those with chronic health conditions, substance use disorders, and mental health diagnosis to assist the client in navigating the many systems needed to reintegrate into our community
- Sexual offender – court-ordered evaluation
- Housing – Housing is not a separate service and participation in the re-entry program is required, all housing is in sober transitional housing with shared rooms for a limited time (scaled rental assistance decreases over five months), sex offender housing is available.
- Transportation – bus passes, assistance with emergency transportation.
Check Out Mecklenburg Re-Entry Services
The mission of Mecklenburg County Re-Entry Services is to facilitate a seamless transition of participants while promoting employment stability, service engagement, and continuing education. Check out our video for more information.
Re-Entry Services
Our Partners & Sponsors

- Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- New Beginnings Treatment Center
- Common Wealth Charlotte
- Hope Haven
- The Center For Community Transitions
- Reentry Housing Alliance
- Cardinal Innovations Healthcare
- OMITT Trade School
- Mecklenburg Re-Entry Services
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